Yoga is an ancient Indian form of physical fitness and mindfulness. It focuses on the various muscle groups while promoting other physiological processes and relieving stress. From honing muscles to minds, this fitness regime does it all. Its importance and relevance have remained a trend for centuries but have become a necessity in recent times.
Due to the current stressful and hectic modern lifestyle, with days full of school, tuition, and work and little time for leisure, humans have become increasingly restless and frustrated. On most days, their stress and anxiety levels are peaking. While occasional worrying works positively to inspire better performance and gratitude, its excess starts hampering social, student, personal, familial, and professional lives.
In such cases, yoga comes to the rescue. It not only alleviates mental pressure but also relieves muscle stress. Since yoga comprises various asanas or poses designed to offer special health benefits to the doer, it is important to know them before engaging. Here’s a quick guide on simple yoga poses and their benefits for kids.
Simple Yoga Poses And Their Benefits For Kids

Padmasana, or the lotus pose, is ideal for children as it helps improve concentration and mindfulness. This asana will help kids develop proper posture and enhance their spine health. It is also known for boosting digestion in children. To do this asana, your child will have to sit cross-legged on the floor, lift each foot over the opposite thigh, and keep it there. While it can initially seem challenging, this pose is truly rewarding.
Vrikshasana, or the tree pose, also enhances focus and concentration in kids while strengthening their leg muscles. This asana is perfect for teaching children balance and coordination. To do this, your child will have to stand on one foot and place the other foot’s sole on the opposite thigh. This must be done in a way that helps them stand on one foot in a balanced way. Their arms can be raised in a praying pose or simply pointed towards the sky.
Baddha Konasana
Baddha Konasana, or the butterfly pose, is an excellent exercise for preventing hamstring injuries. Responsible for strengthening the inner thigh and hip muscles, this asana improves flexibility and mobility in kids as their stress fades away. To do this, your child will have to sit with their feet’s soles pressed together, and their knees pointed outwards. They can use their hands to clasp their soles together and should gently try and force their angular knees to touch the ground in that posture. The gentleness of every knee effort appears like fluttering butterfly wings.

Balasana, or the child’s pose, is imperative for kids to practice before going to bed. This asana not only relaxes their mind and body muscles but also stretches their sore back and hip after toiling all day. Practicing this before bed helps all stress drain away and improves sleep quality. To do this, get your kid down on the floor on their fours, then slightly sit back on their ankles and stretch their arms ahead of them.
Bhujangasana, or the cobra pose, tones abdominal muscles and improves core strength in kids. It also stretches back and arm muscles, increasing their endurance and improving their posture. To do this asana, your kid will have to lie down on the floor face-first. Their hands should be below their shoulder, palm-first on the ground. Next, using their hands, tell them to raise their upper body, arching like a cobra ready to strike. Their lower body should be on the ground, and their arms and back should be stretched.
Virabhadrasana III
Virabhadrasana III or the third warrior pose, is essential for building strength and confidence in kids. This asana also improves balance and coordination in kids while enhancing their mental health. To do this, your kid needs to stand with their legs apart, hip-width, before stepping one foot forward and bending at the knee. The foot at the back should be straight and raised as much as comfortable. Their arms should be stretched straight in front of them.
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho mukha svanasana, or the downward-facing dog, is a simple yet fun yoga poses for kids. It stretches their entire body and relieves any muscle tension. The asana is also ideal for improving the fitness and flexibility of children. To do this, your child should be on all fours on the ground before lifting their hips towards the ceiling. Their pose should resemble an inverted V or a lazy beagle.
Yoga is not a difficult physical exercise to engage in. Thanks to its multiple health benefits for the mind and body, parents favor it. And due to its fun poses and easiness, kids enjoy engaging in it. So, give this guide a try to reap all the benefits yoga has to offer with all its simplicity and mindfulness.